Leon Ivanov Translations provides professional translators & interpreters for English, Russian, Ukrainian and German


Dr. (RU), Dipl.-Kfm.
Leon Ivanov
Translator & Interpreter

Main Languages
Russian, English, German

Memberships: BDÜ and TEKOM

We deliver Certified
Translations according
to DIN EN 15038,
DIN CERTCO Reg.-No. 7U057

Professional Translations

Computer, Software &
IT-related Translations

Science & Technology

Medical & Pharmaceutical
Technical Translations

Translations in
Business & Finance

How we accurately translate
Legal Documents & Records

Interpreting into
Russian and English

English-Russian Negotiations

Conference Interpreters

Simultaneous Interpretation for
Seminars and Training Courses

Russian Interpreters for
Fairs and Exhibitions

Private Interpretation for Visits at
Doctors, Courts & Notaries

Other Translation Services

Markets in Russia:
Software Localization

Certified Translations of
Russian Texts & Documents

Proofreading & Editing of
Russian Texts and Copy

Language Consultancy &

Writing - Desktop Publishing
Russian Internet

Preise für Übersetzungen und Dolmetscher-Dienstleistungen

Rates for translating and interpreting at LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS

Rates for translating and interpreting services. Leon Ivanov Translations

Quality does not necessarily mean high costs. Thanks to our highly efficient business structure, we can offer top quality at a reasonable price.

If you are considering having a document translated, please don't hesitate to ask us for a quote. We are confident that our quote will have you convinced and pleasantly surprised.

For rates related to interpreting services, please contact us directly.

We hope you will understand that for smaller assignments we ask our new clients for a prepayment, with a minimum price of 25 Euro (plus VAT if applicable).

If your translation project is only a few words or a few lines, we suggest you follow the links on this web page. You may be able to use automatic translations or online language dictionaries, which will assist you in your translations at no cost at all.


Alternative payment methods at LEON IVANOV TRANSLATIONS include:

Click on the appropriate link to access your chosen payment method. Payment will be made after agreement on project deadline and procedure.