Leon Ivanov Translations provides professional translators & interpreters for English, Russian, Ukrainian and German
German English Translation and German Russian Translation
German English Translation and German Russian Translation
Dr. (RU), Dipl.-Kfm.
Leon Ivanov
Translator & Interpreter

Main Languages
Russian, English, German

Memberships: BDÜ and TEKOM

We deliver Certified
Translations according
to DIN EN 15038,
DIN CERTCO Reg.-No. 7U057
German English Translation and German Russian Translation

Professional Translations

Computer, Software &
IT-related Translations

Science & Technology

Medical & Pharmaceutical
Technical Translations

Translations in
Business & Finance

How we accurately translate
Legal Documents & Records

Interpreting into
Russian and English

English-Russian Negotiations

Conference Interpreters

Simultaneous Interpretation for
Seminars and Training Courses

Russian Interpreters for
Fairs and Exhibitions

Private Interpretation for Visits at
Doctors, Courts & Notaries

Other Translation Services

Markets in Russia:
Software Localization

Certified Translations of
Russian Texts & Documents

Proofreading & Editing of
Russian Texts and Copy

Language Consultancy &

Writing - Desktop Publishing
Russian Internet

Für Russisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch: Übersetzer & Dolmetscher von Leon Ivanov Translations

German English Translation and German Russian Translation

We deliver the highest quality with our wide ranging services. We proofread your Russian texts, checking their style, expression and choice of words, and edit them according to your requirements.

Our proofreading and editing services is of benefit in the following contexts:

  • You have an important speech that had to be urgently written out in Russian but just doesn't sound right
  • Your personal letter to a Russian business partner seems to have been translated rather half-heartedly by your translator
  • The English article written out by your expert has clearly been translated into Russian by a non native Russian translator
  • Your agency's advertising campaign has obviously been translated word for word from German English Translation
Proofreading and Copy-Editing by professional  German Russian Translation from Leon Ivanov Translations

In our German Russian Translation we check the quality of the translated text and assess it as professional linguists. We make sure your Russian text is a perfect match in wording, style, imagery and tone.

Not only do we have qualified translators in our quality management team, we also have other professional specialists whose expertise in technical and business editing ensures that high standards are always achieved.

Our services include first of all German English Translation and German Russian Translation. You will see how we can help you deal with your Russian correspondence.

German English Translation and German Russian Translation